JeffryWMyersAs a professional photographer, artist, author, athlete, and inspirational speaker, I’ve used photography to illustrate and communicate my creative self-expression about the wonders of our planet, the universe and our place in it for over 25 years.

My goal is to inspire myself and others with images and ideas that explore the mysteries and meaning in life.  I am passionate about the questions in life and my photography illustrates this quest for greater connection between ourselves and the natural world.

Panoramas display JeffryWMyersWhen I pick up a camera and look through its “magic window”, I honor our ancient ancestors who were hunters and gatherers, by becoming a hunter who captures and gathers artistic possibilities!  As a conscious explorer and teacher, I journey through nature, hungry for metaphors and symbols that express my love and gratitude for the natural world.  I believe I empower myself and others with whom I share my vision.

JeffryWMyers-groupEnamored with life-long learning, and using my spiritual gifts of curiosity, creativity and an abundance of energy, my goal is to continue to inspire future audiences.  Whether it’s a spontaneous walk in my West Seattle neighborhood or a choreographed visit to the rain forests in Washington State, the coasts of Oregon and California or the National Parks in the Southwest, I am fascinated by rediscovering endless new worlds everyday.

My life-affirming journey to reconnect with the natural world is a source of daily joy and wonder. My purpose is to inspire and empower myself and others to raise the collective consciousness and self-worth on our beloved planet.

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